How to hide all your friends’ Likes and Comments on their friends’ posts in your Facebook News Feed

You notice that recently, Facebook has started including posts in your news feed that you’re not allowed to comment on? Things like showing you that your friend commented on one of their friends’ posts or likes, and there isn’t even a comment box at the bottom for you to say anything about it? Aren’t those annoying? Here’s how to hide those.

I’m a big fan of Matt Kruse’s Social Fixer plugin, which allows you to customize your Facebook experience in many ways. In this case I’m going to show how to set it up to remove all those “Sara Smith commented on a link” and “Tyler Jones liked a page” posts that Facebook added to the News Feed recently.

An explanation of how to use the Social Fixer plugin is beyond the purpose of this post, but assuming you have it installed and are comfortable using it, you can hide your friends’ Likes and Comments on other people’s posts by creating a new filter as follows:

1. On your Facebook News Feed page, open Social Fixer options by clicking on the wrench icon near the top right corner of the Facebook layout, and click on the “Filters” tab.
2. Click “Add new filter at bottom” to create a new filter.
3. In “Or Matching Selector”, fill in “div.uiStreamEdgeStoryLineWithLabel”
4. In the right hand box, check your option for what you want done with these posts. In this image, I have selected “Move to Tab:” and filled in a tab name “Related Posts”, to move all these posts out of my main News Feed and into their own “Related Posts” tab.

5. Save your Social Fixer options, and refresh your Facebook page.
6. You’re done! All the posts of your friends commenting or liking other posts or pages are now either hidden or moved to another tab, as you set up in the right-hand box in the filter.

UPDATE, 11 July 2013: It turns out this will also occasionally move your friends’ own posts to the related posts tab… sometimes, if a friend comments on their own photo, it will show in your news feed as “Brad Lieutenant commented on his own Photo”. These get moved too. But fortunately the posts being commented on should have appeared in your news feed when they were first posted, so it shouldn’t be hiding anything you haven’t seen already.

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  1. cheap canada goose
    May 28, 2014 - 1:38 am

    As for you Cenasius Binda, joining politics is one of the most critical mistakes you have ever made. For one thing there’s no constituency in Zambia that can host you as MP, least of all, Mandevu, or Vubwi, your home area that you have never visited. So the only role you will play, to put food on the table for your family, is to convert to veterinarian and practise on HH’s farms.
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    • Michael Kupietz, FileMaker Consultant
      September 28, 2016 - 6:57 pm

      It has been a long time since anybody addressed me as Binda. So, Cheap Canada Goose, you have finally found me.

      Truthfully, I have been expecting you. You are quite courageous to confront me here on my website, my old adversary. That, or quite foolhardy. I would have thought that you learned the lesson after what happened in Maracaibo that the wise man does at once what the fool does finally.

      You sound confident that you have won; but if you look, I believe you will find that the rules of the game have been changed. No longer am I a stranger to Vubwi, and the children of Mandevu look to me as a kindly uncle. Nor do I still desire an MP post. But fortune enters through the door and leaves through the window, so I shall speak of it here no more. For now.

      Your move, old friend. Your move. Choose wisely.


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  • Michael Kupietz
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