MacOS: MacBook Pro randomly goes to sleep / screen turns off while typing

This one drove me crazy for a few weeks, and the solution was tough to find, so I’m posting it here. I would be working on my laptop and my screen would suddenly black out and the computer would randomly go to sleep as I was typing. I’d have to hit a key to wake it. I suspected I had a bad reed switch (the magnetic sensor that sleeps the MacBook when the lid closes) or loose connection to it, since it only happened when I was physically typing on the keyboard. However, I couldn’t find a place on the keyboard or case that would reliably trigger the sleep by tapping on it repeatedly.

Long story short: I had forgotten that in OS X’s “Desktop & Screen Saver” system preference, I had recently turned on a hot corner to put the computer to sleep by moving the mouse to it. Unsetting this, so I had no “hot corners” active anymore, solved the problem. No more random computer falling asleep while I was in the middle of working.



Charlie Brown looking exasperated with scribbled thought bubble

Thank you to Stack Overflow: MacBook Air screen turns off randomly for saving what’s left of my sanity.

Looks like the Yoast plugin is criticizing me for not having enough text on this page to please, er, somebody somewhere, so I’ll use the shortfall to add: have you considered how much easier your job could be with a customized bespoke software solution built on the FileMaker Pro platform, by a FileMaker developer with 25 years of professional experience pleasing clients like you? It might cost less than you’d expect, and my consultation to discuss your needs and provide an estimate is always free. Please see the CV on the front page of this site for my professional history, skills, and contact information, or see my list of satisfied repeat clients. I’d be glad to discuss the possibilities with you.

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